6947ch08.fm Draft Document for Review April 7, 2004 6:15 pm
196 IBM eServer zSeries 990 Technical Guide
Figure 8-4 CIU ordering example
The following is a sample list of the screen sequences a customer must follow on Resource
Link to initiate an order:
1. Sign on to Resource Link.
2. Select the CIU option from the main Resource Link page.
3. Customer and machine details associated with the Userid are listed.
4. Current configuration (PU allocation and memory) is shown for the selected server serial
5. Create a target configuration step-by-step for each upgradeable option. Resource Link
limits options to those which are valid/possible for this z990 configuration.
6. The target configuration is verified.
7. Customer has the option to accept or reject.
8. An order is created and verified against the pre-established Agreement.
9. A price is quoted for the order; customer signals acceptance/rejection.
10.A customer secondary order approval is optional.
11.On confirmation of acceptance, the order is processed.
12.LIC-CC for the upgrade should be available within few hours.
CIU order
Remote Support
Optional customer
secondary order