Complex Samples Ratios
The Complex Samples Ratios procedure displays univariate summary statistics for ratios of variables. Optionally, you can request statistics by subgroups, defined by one or more categorical variables.
Using Complex Samples Ratios to Aid Property Value Assessment
A state agency is charged with ensuring that property taxes are fairly assessed from county to county. Taxes are based on the appraised value of the property, so the agency wants to track property values across counties to be sure that each county’s records are equally
Since resources for obtaining current appraisals are limited, the agency chose to employ complex sampling methodology to select properties.
The sample of properties selected and their current appraisal information is collected in property_assess_cs_sample.sav. For more information, see the topic Sample Files in Appendix A in IBM SPSS Complex Samples 19. Use Complex Samples Ratios to assess the change in property values across the five counties since the last appraisal.
Running the Analysis
ETo run a Complex Samples Ratios analysis, from the menus choose:
Analyze > Complex Samples > Ratios...
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