Chapter 2
Sampling Wizard: Output Variables
Sampling Wizard, Output Variables step
This step allows you to choose variables to save when the sample is drawn.
Population size. The estimated number of units in the population for a given stage. The rootname for the saved variable is PopulationSize_.
Sample proportion. The sampling rate at a given stage. The rootname for the saved variable is SamplingRate_.
Sample size. The number of units drawn at a given stage. The rootname for the saved variable is SampleSize_.
Sample weight. The inverse of the inclusion probabilities. The rootname for the saved variable is SampleWeight_.
Some stagewise variables are generated automatically. These include:
Inclusion probabilities. The proportion of units drawn at a given stage. The rootname for the saved variable is InclusionProbability_.
Cumulative weight. The cumulative sample weight over stages previous to and including the current one. The rootname for the saved variable is SampleWeightCumulative_.