Complex Samples Sampling Wizard
The agency will now use its resources to collect current valuations for the properties selected in the sample. Once those valuations are available, you can process the sample with Complex Samples analysis procedures, using the sampling plan property_assess.csplan to provide the sampling specifications.
Obtaining a Sample from a Partial Sampling Frame
A company is interested in compiling and selling a database of
Stage | Strata | Clusters |
1 | Region | Province |
2 | District | City |
3 | Subdivision |
In the third stage, households are the primary sampling unit, and selected households will be surveyed. However, since information is easily available only to the city level, the company plans to execute the first two stages of the design now and then collect information on the numbers of subdivisions and households from the sampled cities. The available information to the city level is collected in demo_cs_1.sav. For more information, see the topic Sample Files in Appendix A in IBM SPSS Complex Samples 19. Note that this file contains a variable Subdivision that contains all 1’s. This is a placeholder for the “true” variable, whose values will be collected after the first two stages of the design are executed, that allows you to specify the full
Using the Wizard to Sample from the First Partial Frame
ETo run the Complex Samples Sampling Wizard, from the menus choose:
Analyze > Complex Samples > Select a Sample...