(Optional) Quick Start for SNMP Management
4.Use the
5.Open a terminal emulation program (such as HyperTerminal in Microsoft Windows* 95). Use these communication parameters:
•9600 baud
•8 data bits
•No parity
•1 stop bit
•Xon/Xoff flow control
6.Press Eand log into the Console Manager:
By default, no password or user name is assigned. If you enter one, it’s saved upon reset.
7.Set the IP configuration using the
IP address | netmask | broadcast address |
Replace these addresses with the numbers for your network. Specify the IP address, netmask (subnet mask), and broadcast address (default gateway), in that order.
8.Download the Intel MIB (Management Information Base) file from an Intel online service and compile it into your NMS.
The MIB filename is SWCH2MIB.EXE. You can find the file on Intel’s Customer Support web site (http://support.intel.com) or the Intel BBS (Host: ftp.intel.com, Directory: pub/support/ enduser_reseller). See your NMS documentation for instructions on compiling the MIB for a new device.