10 Design Guide
Intel® 31244 PCI-X to Serial ATA Controller
About This Document
Printed circuit board.
Example manufacturing process consists of
the following steps:
Consists of al ter n atin g l ay ers o f core an d
prepreg stacked
The finish ed PCB is heated and cured.
The via holes are drilled
Plating covers holes and outer surfaces
Etching removes unwanted copper
Board is tinned, coated with solder mask
and silk screened
JEDEC Provides standards for the semiconductor ind ustry.
A network that transmit s a coupled signal to another network is aggr essor network.
Victim A network that receives a coupled cr os s-t a lk si gnal fro m a not h er n etw ork is a c al led t he vi cti m
Network The trace of a PCB that completes an electrical connection between two or more
Stub Branch fr om a trunk terminating at the pad of an agent.
CRB Customer Reference Board
HBA Host Bus Adapter
TX + / TX - These signals are the outbound high-speed differential signals that are connected to the
serial ATA cable.
RX + / RX - These signals are the inbound high-speed differential signals that are connected to the serial
ATA cable.
TX This is a transmit port that contains the basic high-speed driver electronics.
RX This is a receiver port contains the basic high-speed receiver electronics.
calibration This block is used to establish th e impedance of the RX block in order to properly terminate
the high-speed s erial cable.
PLL This block is used to synchronize an internal clocking reference so t hat the input high-speed
data stream may be properly decoded.
This block stabilizes the internal voltages used in the other blocks so that reliable operation
may be achieved. This blo c k may or may not be required for proper operation of the balance
of the circuitry. The need for this block is implementatio n specific.
TxData Serially encoded 10b da ta attached to the hig h-speed serial diffe rential line driver.
Table 2. Terminology and Definition (Sheet 2 of 3)
Term Definition
Layer 1: copper
Layer 2: GND
Layer 3: VCC
Layer 4: copper
Example of a Four-Layer Stack
Aggressor Network
Victim Network
Zo Zo