Accessing Online Help

View the status of logical adapter connections

Set up channels for logical adapter connections

Delete channels from a logical adapter configuration

Manually connect a channel

Manually disconnect a channel

View the status of channel connections

Accessing Online Help

For detailed information about the functions and dialog boxes described in this chapter, see the NDIS Driver Setup online help. You can access online help in the following ways:

Press F1 to display field-level contextual help in a pop- up window.

Click Help to display the main online help window.

Click the Help icon , and then select the topic you want to read about.

Starting the NDIS Driver Setup Utility

Start the NDIS Driver Setup utility in either of the following ways:

If you need to change network protocol properties for a logical adapter, you must start the utility adapter from the Control Panel, as follows:

a.From the Start menu, select Settings, and then Control Panel.

b.Double-click the Network icon, and select the Adapters tab.


Interphase Corporation