Layer 2 Firewall Filters
FirewallFilters for Bridge Domains and VPLS Instanceson page 95
Example:Configuring Policing and Marking of TrafficEntering a VPLS Core on page96
Example:Configuring Filtering of Frames by MACAddress on page 98
Example:Configuring Filtering of Frames by IEEE 802.1pBits on page 99
Example:Configuring Filtering of Frames by PacketLoss Priority on page 101

FirewallFilters for Bridge Domains and VPLS Instances

JuniperNetworks MX Series Ethernet Services Routerssupport firewall filters for the
bridgeand vpls protocol families. Youconfigure these firewall filters tocontrol traffic
withinbridge domains and VPLS instances. This chapterexplores some of the ways that
filterscan be used in a Layer 2 environment tocontrol traffic.
MXSeries router firewall filters canbe applied to:
Inputto the Layer 2 forwarding table
NOTE: Broadcast,unicast unknown,and multicast (BUM) traffic is not
affectedby input and output policies. BUM traffic canonly be filtered by
forwardingtable policies.
Youuse a firewall filterafter taking the following two steps:
1. Youconfigure any policersand the firewall filter at the [edit firewall] hierarchylevel.
2. Youapply the properlyconfigured firewall filter to an interface.
NOTE: Youshoulddeploy firewall filters carefullybecause it is easy to cause
unforeseensideeffects on all traffic, especially trafficthat is not the intended
targetof the filter. For moreinformation about configuring firewall filters,
seethe Junos OS Policy Framework ConfigurationGuide.
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