vlan-id[ 1–4 6–10 ];
Ifa VLAN identifier is already part of a VLAN identifier list in a bridge domain under a
routinginstance, then you must delete the VLAN identifier from the list beforeyou can
configurean explicit or “regular” bridge domain. Also, the explicit bridgedomain will not
performproperlyunless it has the same name as the bridge domain in the VLAN identifier
Inother words, if sales-vlan-100 was part of a bridge domain VLAN list and you wish to
configureit explicitly, you mustuse the same naming convention:
sales-vlan-100{ # Youmust use this name explicitly
Thefollowing limitations apply toautomatic bridge domain configuration:
Onlyone vlan-id-list statement is allowedin a routing instance.
Bridgeoptions are not supported with the vlan-id-list statement.
Onlytrunk interfaces are supported.
Thereis no support for integrated routingand bridging (IRB).
Youdisplay the statusand other parameters for automatic bridge domains configured
withthe vlan-id-list statement using the same show l2-learning instance command as
usedfor individually configured bridge domains.
MXSeries Ethernet Services Routers SolutionsPage
BulkConfiguration of VLANs and Bridge Domains on page 59
Example:Configuring VLAN Translationwith a VLAN ID List on page 59
61Copyright© 2010, Juniper Networks,Inc.
Chapter5: Bulk Administration of Layer2 Features on MX Series Routers