Bulk Administration of Layer 2 Featureson MX Series Routers•BulkConfiguration of VLANs and Bridge Domains on page 59
•Example:Configuring VLAN Translationwith a VLAN ID List on page 59
•Example:Configuring Multiple Bridge Domains with a VLAN ID List on page60
BulkConfiguration of VLANs and Bridge Domains
Insome cases, service providersmust deal with thousands of bridge domains on a single
switch.By default the router does not createmore than one bridge domain. The
configurationof even several hundredbridge domains one at a time can be a burden.
However,you can configuremultiple bridge domains with only one statement. Each
bridgedomain will have the formprefix-vlan-number. The prefix and number are supplied
bythe configuration statement.
MXSeries Ethernet Services Routers SolutionsPage•
•Example:Configuring VLAN Translationwith a VLAN ID List on page 59
•Example:Configuring Multiple Bridge Domains with a VLAN ID List on page60
Example:Configuring VLAN Translation with a VLAN ID List
Inmany cases,the VLAN identifiers on the frames of an interface’s packetsare not exactly
correct.VLAN translation, or VLAN rewrite,allows you to configure bidirectional VLAN
identifiertranslation with a list on frames arriving on and leavingfrom a logical interface.
Thislets you use unique VLAN identifiers internallyand maintain legacy VLAN identifiers
onlogical interfaces.
Toperform VLAN translationon the packets on a trunk interface, insert the vlan-rewrite
statementat the [edit interfacesinterface-name unit unit-number]hierarchy level. You
mustalso include the familybridge statement at the same levelbecause VLAN translation
isonly supported on trunk interfaces. The reversetranslation takes place on egress.In
otherwords, if VLAN 200 is translatedto 500 on ingress, VLAN 500 is translatedto VLAN
200on egress.
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