sitesample-site-1 {
associate-profilegreen_vpls_pw_1;# Apply profile here
...# Other routing instance statements
green_vpls_pw_1interfaces $junos-interface-ifd-name{
unit$junos-underlying-unit-number {
vlan-id200; # This is the outer tag
familybridge {
inner-vlan-id-list[ 10 20 30 40 50 ];
NOTE: Thisis not a complete routerconfiguration.
Withthe dynamic profile, a packet in a frame arriving on an interfaceis classified as
belongingto one of the bridge domains (VLANs 10–50). At the egress of the trunk VPLS
pseudowire,the outer VLAN tag 200 is pushed onto the frame. Atthe ingress of the
psuedowireat the remote location,the outer VLAN tag 200 is removed and the frame
isdelivered to the appropriate bridge domain.
Butwhat if the packets associated with the AccountingVLAN are not to be forwarding
tothe remote site? Dynamic profiles are usefulhere as well.
Thisconfiguration keeps the Accountingframes from reaching the remote site.
[editrouting-instances green]
...# Other routing instance statements
protocolsvpls {
sitesample-site-1 {
associate-profilegreen_vpls_pw_2;# Apply profile here
...# Other routing instance statements
green_vpls_pw_2interfaces $junos-interface-ifd-name{
unit$junos-underlying-unit-number {
familybridge {
inner-vlan-id-list[ 10 20 40 50 ]; # Removed AccountingVLAN 30
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Junos10.4 MX Series Ethernet ServicesRouters Solutions Guide