Thisguide provides an overview of the Layer 2 featuresof the Junos OS and describes
howto configure the featuresto provide solutions to several network scenarios.
NOTE: Foradditional information about Junos OS—either correctionsto or
informationthat might havebeen omitted from this guide—see the software
releasenotes at http://www.juniper.net/.
AudienceThisguide is designed for network administratorswho are configuring and monitoring
Layer2 features of the Junos OS.
Touse this guide, you needa broad understanding of networks in general, the Internet
inparticular, networkingprinciples, and network configuration. Youmust also be familiar
withone or more of the following Internet routing protocols:
•BorderGateway Protocol(BGP)
•DistanceVector MulticastRouting Protocol (DVMRP)
•IntermediateSystem-to-IntermediateSystem (IS-IS)
•InternetControl Message Protocol(ICMP) router discovery
•InternetGroup Management Protocol (IGMP)
•MultiprotocolLabel Switching (MPLS)
•OpenShortest Path First (OSPF)
•Protocol-IndependentMulticast (PIM)
•ResourceReservation Protocol(RSVP)
•RoutingInformation Protocol (RIP)
•SimpleNetwork Management Protocol(SNMP)
Personneloperating the equipment must be trained and competent;must not conduct
themselvesin a careless, willfullynegligent, or hostile manner; and must abide by the
instructionsprovided by the documentation.
Copyright© 2010, Juniper Networks,Inc.xviii
Junos10.4 MX Series Ethernet ServicesRouters Solutions Guide