8 92
9 92
10 108
Average two-way delay : 103 usec
Average two-way delay variation: 8 usec
Best case two-way delay : 92 usec
Worst case two-way delay : 122 usec
Thecollected delay statisticsare also saved (up to 100 per session) and displayed as
partof the MEP delay statistics on Router MX-1.
user@MX-1> showoam ethernet connectivity-fault-managementdelay-statistics
MEP identifier: 201, MAC address: 00:90:69:0a:43:94
Remote MEP count: 1
Remote MAC address: 00:90:69:0a:48:57
Delay measurement statistics:
Index One-way delay Two-way delay
(usec) (usec)
1 100
2 92
3 92
4 111
5 110
6 119
7 122
8 92
9 92
10 108
Average two-way delay : 103 usec
Average two-way delay variation: 8 usec
Best case two-way delay : 92 usec
Worst case two-way delay : 122 usec
MXSeries Ethernet Services Routers SolutionsPage•
•EthernetFrame Delay Measurements on page119
•ConfiguringMEP Interfaces to Support ETH-DM on page122
•Triggeringan ETH-DM Session on page 123
•ViewingETH-DM Statistics on page 124
•ConfiguringOne-Way ETH-DM with Single-TaggedInterfaces on page125
•ConfiguringETH-DM with Untagged Interfaces on page134
Example:Configuring Ethernet Frame Delay Measurements with UntaggedInterfacesEthernetframedelay measurements are supportedon untagged interfaces. All commands
arethe same as for tagged interfaces.Only the configurations are different. This section
showsthe untagged interface configurationsfor Routers MX-1 and MX-2.
NOTE: Theseare not completerouter configurations.
Copyright© 2010, Juniper Networks,Inc.134
Junos10.4 MX Series Ethernet ServicesRouters Solutions Guide