IEEE 802.3ah OAM Link-FaultManagement
EthernetOAM Link Fault Management on page 137
Example:Configuring Ethernet LFM Between PE and CE on page 138
Example:Configuring Ethernet LFM for CCC on page139
Example:Configuring Ethernet LFM for AggregatedEthernet on page 140
Example:Configuring Ethernet LFM with Loopback Support on page 142

EthernetOAM Link Fault Management

LinkFault Management (LFM) can be used for physicallink-level fault detection and
management.The IEEE 802.3ah LFM works across a point-to-point Ethernet link either
directlyconnected or through repeaters.
LFMprovides the following functions:
Failuredetection on physical links in both directions,as well as unidirectional failures.
Abilityto put a port in link-loopback mode remotely for diagnostics.
Reportand receive link error events such asframing or symbol errors.
LFMruns at the physicalor aggregated interfacelevel. When configuredon an aggregated
interface,LFM is run individually on each member link. LFM is a link-layerprotocol and
doesnot need a Layer3 (IPv4 or IPv6) address to operate. This allowsfor LFM to function
oncircuit cross-connect/transport cross-connect(CCC/TCC) encapsulatedinterfaces.
MXSeries Ethernet Services Routers SolutionsPage
Example:Configuring Ethernet LFM Between PE and CE on page 138
Example:Configuring Ethernet LFM for CCC on page139
Example:Configuring Ethernet LFM for AggregatedEthernet on page 140
Example:Configuring Ethernet LFM with Loopback Support on page 142
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