Figure9: Many VLANs on One VPLS Instance
TheLayer 2 PE routers are MX Series routers.Each site is connected to two P routersfor
redundancy,although both links are onlyshown for L2-PE1 at Site 1. Site 1 is connected
toP0 and P1, Site 2 is connected to P0 and P2 (not shown), Site 3 isconnected to P2
andP3, and Site 4 is connected to P1 and P3. VPLS pseudowiresconfigured on the PE
andP routers carry traffic between the sites.
Thepseudowires for the VPLS instances are shownwith distinct dashed and dotted
lines.Most sites have multiple VLANs configured.
ServiceproviderSP-1 is providing VPLS services for customer C1, services thatcould span
severalsites. Now customer C1 can havemany VLANs in the range from 1 through 1000
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Junos10.4 MX Series Ethernet ServicesRouters Solutions Guide