3. ConfigureMSTP on Router 3:
configuration-namemstp-for-R1-2-3; # The names must matchto be in the same
revision-level3; # The revision levelsmust match
msti1 {
vlan100;# This VLAN corresponds to MSTP instance1
msti2 {
vlan200;# This VLAN corresponds to MSTP instance2
bridge-priority4096; # This bridge acts as VLAN 200 designatedbridge on
#the R2-R3 segment
Asa result of this configuration, VLAN 100 and VLAN 200 share physicallinks, but have
differentdesignated ports, root ports, and alternateports on the three different routers.
Thedesignated, root, and alternateports for the two VLANs on the three routers are
shownin Figure 6 on page 34.
33Copyright© 2010, Juniper Networks,Inc.
Chapter2: Basic Layer 2 Featureson MX Series Routers