Node ID
Link Blocked
Ring-1 NR No No No
Ring-2 NR No Yes Yes
Meaning Theoutputdisplayed shows that protectiongroups ring-1 and ring-2 have a Request/state
ofNR, meaning there is no requestfor APS on the ring. If a Request/stateof SF is displayed,
itindicates there is a signal failure on the ring. The output alsoshows that the ring
protectionlink is not blocked. The NoFlush fielddisplays No, indicating that MAC
addresseswill be flushed when the ring nodes receive this messagefirst time. A value of
Yeswould indicateMAC address flushing is not needed. The Originator fieldfor ring-1
dispaysyes, indicatingthat this node is an R-APS originator. The Originatorfield for ring-2
dispaysNo, indicating that this node is not an R-APS originator.
Verifyingthe Data Channel CS2Purpose Verifythe forwarding stateof the data channel.
Action Listthe interfaces acting as the controlchannels and their respective data channels
(representedby the STP index number):
user@cs2> showprotection-group ethernet-ring data-channel
Ethernet ring data channel parameters for protection group ring-1
Interface STP index Forward State
ge-2/0/4 44 forwarding
ge-2/0/8 45 forwarding
Ethernet ring data channel parameters for protection group ring-2
Interface STP index Forward State
ge-2/0/4 46 forwarding
ge-2/0/8 47 discarding
Meaning Theoutput displayedshows the STP index number used byeach interface in ring instances
ring-1and ring-2. The STP index controls the forwardingbehavior for a set of VLANs on
thedata channel of a ring instanceon a ring interface. For ring instances, there aremultiple
STPindex numbers (here representing VLANs 200, 300, 500,and 600). The Forward
Stateshows whether the data channel is forwardingor discarding traffic.
Verifyingthe VLANs on CS2Purpose Verifythe data channel logical interfacesand the VLAN IDs controlled by a ring instance
Action Listdynamic VLAN membership:
user@cs2> showprotection-group ethernet-ring vlan
Ethernet ring IFBD parameters for protection group ring-1
Interface Vlan STP Index Bridge Domain
ge-2/0/4 200 44 default—switch/bd200
ge-2/0/8 200 45 default-switch/bd200
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Junos10.4 MX Series Ethernet ServicesRouters Solutions Guide