•Networkingand Internetworking with Bridges and Routerson page 6
•NetworkAddressing at Layer 2 and Layer3 on page 7
•Networkingat Layer 2: Benefits of Ethernet Frames on page9
•Networkingat Layer 2: Challenges of EthernetMAC Addresses on page 10
•Networkingat Layer 2: Forwarding VLAN TaggedFrames on page 11
•Networkingat Layer 2: Logical InterfaceTypes on page 14
•AMetro Ethernet Network with MX Series Routers on page15
•Layer2 Networking Standards on page 17
Networkingat Layer 2: Logical Interface TypesTwomain types of interfacesare used in Layer 2 configurations:
•Layer2 logical interface—Thistype of interface uses the VLAN-ID as a virtual circuit
identifierand the scope of the VLAN-ID is local to the interface port. Thistype of
interfaceis often used in service-provider-centricapplications.
•Accessortrunk interface—Thistype of interface uses a VLAN-ID with global significance.
Theaccess or trunk interface is implicitlyassociated with bridge domains based on
VLANmembership. Access or trunk interfacesare typically used in enterprise-centric
NOTE: Thedifference betweenaccess interfaces and trunk interfaces is
thataccess interfaces can be partof one VLAN only and the interface is
normallyattachedto an end-user device (packets areimplicitly associated
withthe configured VLAN). In contrast, trunk interfacesmultiplex traffic
frommultiple VLANs and usually interconnectswitches.
MXSeries Ethernet Services Routers SolutionsPage•
•EthernetTerms and Acronymson page 3
•Networkingand Internetworking with Bridges and Routerson page 6
•NetworkAddressing at Layer 2 and Layer3 on page 7
•Networkingat Layer 2: Benefits of Ethernet Frames on page9
•Networkingat Layer 2: Challenges of EthernetMAC Addresses on page 10
•Networkingat Layer 2: Forwarding VLAN TaggedFrames on page 11
•Networkingat Layer 2: Forwarding Dual-TaggedFrames on page 13
•AMetro Ethernet Network with MX Series Routers on page15
•Layer2 Networking Standards on page 17
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Junos10.4 MX Series Ethernet ServicesRouters Solutions Guide