ge-5/2/3 123 forwarding
Ethernet ring data channel parameters for protection group ring-2
Interface STP index Forward State
ge-3/2/4 124 discarding
ge-5/2/3 125 forwarding
Meaning Theoutput displayedshows the STP index number used byeach interface in ring instances
ring-1and ring-2. The STP index controls the forwardingbehavior for a set of VLANs on
thedata channel of a ring instanceon a ring interface. For ring instances, there aremultiple
STPindex numbers (here representing VLANs 200, 300, 500,and 600). The Forward
Stateshows whether the data channel is forwardingor discarding traffic.
Verifyingthe VLANs on CS1Purpose Verifythe data channel logical interfacesand the VLAN IDs controlled by a ring instance
Action Listdynamic VLAN membership:
user@cs1>showprotection-group ethernet-ring vlan
Ethernet ring IFBD parameters for protection group ring-1
Interface Vlan STP Index Bridge Domain
ge-3/2/4 200 122 vs/bd200
ge-5/2/3 200 123 vs/bd200
ge-3/2/4 300 122 vs/bd300
ge-5/2/3 300 123 vs/bd300
Ethernet ring IFBD parameters for protection group ring-2
Interface Vlan STP Index Bridge Domain
ge-3/2/4 500 124 vs/bd500
ge-5/2/3 500 125 vs/bd500
ge-3/2/4 600 124 vs/bd600
ge-5/2/3 600 125 vs/bd600
Meaning Theoutput displayed shows the ring interfacesge-3/2/4 and ge-5/2/3 in protection
groupsring-1 and ring-2. For ring-1, VLAN 200 and VLAN 300 are being supportedon both
STPIndex 122 and 123 on bridge domains bd200 and bd300. For ring-2, VLAN 500 and
VLAN600 are being supported on both STP Index124 and 125 on bridge domains bd500
andbd600. The data channel controls the traffic on the VLAN IDs tofacilitate load
Verifyingthe Ethernet Protection Ring on CS2Purpose Verifythat ERP is enabled on CS2.
Action Showthe status of the ring APS (R-APS) messagesto determine if there is a ring failure:
user@cs2>showprotection-group ethernet-ring aps
Ethernet Ring Name Request/state No Flush Ring Protection Originator Remote
167Copyright© 2010, Juniper Networks,Inc.
Chapter13: Ethernet Ring Protection