mep700 {
MXSeries Ethernet Services Routers SolutionsPage
EthernetOperations, Administration, and Maintenanceon page 103
EthernetOAM Connectivity Fault Managementon page 104
Example:Configuring Ethernet CFM on Bridge Connections on page112
Example:Configuring Ethernet CFM on Physical Interfaceson page 116
Example:Configuring Ethernet CFM on Bridge Connections
Inthis example, both the customer and service provider are running EthernetCFM over
asimple bridge network. The network is shown in Figure16 on page 112. The customer
hasconfiguredEthernet CFM on MX Series routers L2-CE1 and L2-CE2. The serviceprovider
hasconfigured Ethernet CFM on MX Series routers PE1 and PE2.
NOTE: Theconfigurations in this exampleare only partial examples of
completeand functional router configurations.Do not copy these
configurationsand use them directly on an actual system.
Theservice provider is using CFM level 3 for the link betweenPE1 and PE2 and level 5
fromone CE facing port to the other. The customeris using CFM level 7. The boundaries
aremarked with “up mep” and “down mep” CFM terminology in the figure.

Figure16: Ethernet CFM over a Bridge Network

Copyright© 2010, Juniper Networks,Inc.112
Junos10.4 MX Series Ethernet ServicesRouters Solutions Guide