Networkingat Layer 2: Forwarding Dual-TaggedFrames on page 13
Networkingat Layer 2: Logical InterfaceTypes on page 14
AMetro Ethernet Network with MX Series Routers on page15
Layer2 Networking Standards on page 17
Networkingand Internetworking with Bridges and Routers
Traditionally,differenthardware, software, and protocolshave been used on LANs and
onnetworks that cover wider areas(national or global). A LAN switch is different than
arouter, an Ethernet frame is differentthan an IP packet, and the methods used to find
destinationMACaddresses are different than those used to find destinationIP addresses.
Thisis becauseLANs based on Ethernet were intended for differentnetwork environments
thannetworks based on IP.The Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP)was intended as an
internetworkingmethodto connect local customernetworks. The local customer network
thata serviceprovider's IP routers connected wasusually based on some form of Ethernet.
Thisis why Ethernet and IP fit so welltogether: Ethernet defines the LAN, and the Internet
protocolsdefine how these LANs are connected.
Morespecifically,Ethernet LANs and IP networks occupy different layersof the Internet’s
TCP/IPprotocolsuite.Between sender and receiver,networks deal with the bottom three
layersof the model: the physical layer(Layer 1), the data link or MAC layer (Layer2), and
thenetwork layer (Layer 3).
NOTE: Theselayers are alsofound in the Open Systems Interconnect
ReferenceModel (OSI-RM); however,in this chapter they are applied to the
Alldigital networks ultimatelydeal with zeroes and ones, and the physical layer defines
bitrepresentationon the media. Physical layer standardsalso define mechanical aspects
ofthe network, such as electricalcharacteristics or connectorshapes, functional aspects
suchas bit sequence and organization, and soon. The physical layer only “spits bits” and
hasvery little of the intelligencerequired to implement a completenetwork. Devices that
connectLAN segments at the physical layerare called hubs, and all bits that appear on
oneport of the hub are also sent out on the other ports. This also means that bad bits
thatappear on one LAN segment are propagated toall other LAN segments.
Abovethe physical layer,the data link layer defines the first-order bit structure,or frame,
forthe network type. Also loosely calledthe MAC layer (technically,the MAC layer is a
sublayerrequired only on LANs), Layer2 sends and receives frames. Frames are the last
thingsthat bits were before they leftthe sender and the first things that bits become
whenthey arrive on an interface. Because frameshave a defined structure, unlike bits,
framescan be used for errordetection, control plane activities (not all frames must carry
userdata: some frames are used by the network tocontrol the link), and so forth. LAN
segmentscan be linked at the frame level, and thesedevices are called bridges. Bridges
examinearriving frames and decide whether to forwardthem on an interface. All bridges
todayare called learningbridges because they can find out more about the network than
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Junos10.4 MX Series Ethernet ServicesRouters Solutions Guide