About This Guide
Thispreface providesthe following guidelines for using the Junos®OS MX Series Ethernet
ServicesRouters Solutions Guide:
JunosDocumentation and Release Noteson page xvii
Objectiveson page xviii
Audienceon page xviii
SupportedRouting Platforms on pagexix
Usingthe Indexes on page xix
Usingthe Examples in This Manual on page xix
DocumentationConventions on page xx
DocumentationFeedback on page xxii
RequestingTechnicalSupport on page xxii

JunosDocumentation and Release Notes

Fora list of related Junos documentation, see
Ifthe information in the latest releasenotes differs from the information in the
documentation,follow the Junos ReleaseNotes.
Toobtain the most current versionof all Juniper Networks®technical documentation,
seethe product documentation page on the Juniper Networks websiteat
JuniperNetworkssupports a technical book program to publish books byJuniper Networks
engineersand subject matter experts with book publishers around the world.These
booksgo beyond the technical documentation toexplore the nuances of network
architecture,deployment, and administrationusing the Junos operating system (Junos
OS)and Juniper Networks devices. In addition, the Juniper NetworksTechnical Library,
publishedin conjunction with O'Reilly Media, exploresimproving network security,
reliability,and availability using Junos OS configurationtechniques. All the books are for
saleat technical bookstores and book outletsaround the world. The current list can be
viewedat http://www.juniper.net/books.
xviiCopyright© 2010, Juniper Networks,Inc.