Thefollowing example translatesincoming trunk packets from VLAN identifier 200 to
500and 201 to 501 (other valid VLAN identifiers are not affected):
[editinterfaces ge-1/0/1]
unit0 {
...# Other logical interface statements
familybridge {
interface-modetrunk # Translationis only for trunks
vlan-id-list[ 100 500–600 ];
translate200 500;
translate201 501;
...# Other bridge statements
NOTE: Thisexample also translatesframe VLANs from 500 to 200 and 501
to201 on egress.
MXSeries Ethernet Services Routers SolutionsPage
BulkConfiguration of VLANs and Bridge Domains on page 59
Example:Configuring Multiple Bridge Domains with a VLAN ID List on page60
Example:Configuring Multiple Bridge Domains with a VLAN ID List
Toconfigure multiplebridge domains with one statement, include the vlan-id-list
statementat the [edit bridge-domains] hierarchy level.
Thefollowingexample automaticallyconfigures 4093 bridge domains named sales-vlan-2
sales{ # This is the prefix
vlan-id-list[ 2–4096 ]; # These are the numbers
Youcan configure thesebridge domains in a virtual switch routing instance. However,if
aVLAN identifier is alreadypart of a VLAN identifier list in a bridge domain under a routing
instance,then you cannot configure an explicit bridge domain with thatVLAN identifier.
Inother words. there can be no overlapbetween a VLAN identifier list and another VLAN
Thefollowing example removesthe VLAN identifier 5 from the original VLAN list
(vlan-id-list[ 1–10 ]) and configures the bridge domain explicitly:
[editrouting-instance rtg-inst-10]
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Junos10.4 MX Series Ethernet ServicesRouters Solutions Guide