Dynamic Profiles for VLAN Interfaces andProtocols
DynamicProfiles for VPLS Pseudowireson page 63
Example:Configuring VPLS Pseudowires with Dynamic Profiles—Basic
Solutionson page 64
Example:Configuring VPLS Pseudowires with Dynamic Profiles—Complex
Solutionson page 68

DynamicProfiles for VPLS Pseudowires

Arouter often has two types of interfaces:
Staticinterfaces, which are configuredbefore the router is booted
Dynamicinterfaces, which are createdafter the router is booted and while it is running
AVPLS pseudowire interface(such as lsi.1048576) is dynamicallycreated by the system.
Therefore,the logical interfaceunit number for the VPLS pseudowire is not available for
inadvance to configure characteristicssuch as VLAN identifiers and other parameters.
Asa result, certainVLAN manipulation features thatare easily applied to static interfaces
(suchas xe-,ge-, and so on) areeither not supported on dynamic interfaces or supported
inan awkward fashion.
However,on MX Series routers,there is another configuration method that dynamic
interfacescan use to determine their VLAN parameterswhen they are created by a
runningrouter: dynamic profiles.A dynamic profile is a conceptual container thatincludes
parametersassociated with a dynamic entity,parameters whose values are not know
atthe time the entity is configured.For more information about dynamic profiles, see the
JunosOS Subscriber Access ConfigurationGuide.
Thereare many types of dynamic profiles. The twodynamic profiles that are used in
conjunctionwith VLANs and VPLS are $junos-interface-ifd-namefor a dynamic physical
interfaceand $junos-underlying-unit-number for a dynamic logicalinterface (unit).
Dynamicprofiles for VPLS are only supported on MX Seriesrouters.
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