•Example:Configuring Filtering of Frames by PacketLoss Priority on page 101
Example:Configuring Filtering of Frames by PacketLoss PriorityToconfigure an MX Seriesrouter firewall filter to provide matchingon the packet loss
priority(PLP) level carriedin the frame, use the loss-priority or loss-priority-except match
condition.Packet loss priority matchingis available for all protocols. For more detailed
informationabout configuring firewall filtersand configuring filter match conditions for
Layer2 bridging traffic on the MX Series routers, seethe Junos OS Policy Framework
NOTE: Layer2 bridging is supported only on the MX Seriesrouters. For more
informationabouthow to configure Layer 2 bridging, see the Junos OSNetwork
InterfacesConfiguration Guide, the Junos OS RoutingProtocols Configuration
Guide,and the Junos OS Feature Guide.
Thisexample Layer 2 bridging firewallfilter finds any incoming frames with a packet loss
priority(PLP) level of medium-high, and then classifies the packetin the
expedited-forwardingdefault forwardingclass.
NOTE: Thisexample does not present exhaustiveconfiguration listings for
allrouters in the figures. However,you can use this example with a broader
configurationstrategy tocomplete the MX Series router network Ethernet
Operations,Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)configurations.
Toconfigure filteringof frames by packet loss priority:
1. Configurethe firewall filter filter-plp-configure-forwarding:
familybridge {
term0 {
thenforwarding-class expedited-forwarding;
2. Configurea Layer 2 bridging domain bd for the ge-0/0/0interface (that has already
beenconfigured at the [edit interfaces]hierarchy level):
domain-typebridge {
101Copyright© 2010, Juniper Networks,Inc.
Chapter9: Layer 2 FirewallFilters