IEEE 802.1ag OAM Connectivity-FaultManagement•EthernetOperations, Administration, and Maintenanceon page 103
•EthernetOAM Connectivity Fault Managementon page 104
•Example:Configuring Ethernet CFM over VPLS on page105
•Example:Configuring Ethernet CFM on Bridge Connections on page112
•Example:Configuring Ethernet CFM on Physical Interfaceson page 116
EthernetOperations, Administration, and Maintenance
Thistopic provides an overview to help youeffectively configure Ethernet Operations,
Administration,and Maintenance (OAM) on a networkof Juniper Networks MX Series
EthernetServices Routers. For more informationabout configuring OAM parameters on
Ethernetinterfaces, see the Junos OS Network InterfacesConfiguration Guide.
EthernetOAM provides the tools that networkmanagement software and network
managerscan use to determine how a networkof Ethernet links is functioning. Ethernet
•Relyonly on the media access control(MAC) address or virtual local area network
(VLAN)identifier for troubleshooting
•Workindependentlyof the actual Ethernet transport and function overphysical Ethernet
ports,or a virtual service such as pseudowire, and so on.
•Isolatefaults overa flat (or single operator) network architectureor a nested or
hierarchical(or multi-provider) networks.
OAMcan provide simple link-level information,provide performance statistics, or track
end-to-endconnectivity across the network. Simple link faultmanagement (LFM) for
Ethernetlinks is defined in IEEE 802.3ah.
EthernetOAM functions are implemented as:
•Faultdetection and notification (providedby continuity check messages)
•Pathdiscovery (provided bythe linktrace protocol)
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