maintenance-domainmd6 {
maintenance-associationma6 {
mep101 {
FromRouter MX-1, start a two-way delaymeasurement to Router MX-2.user@MX-1> monitorethernetdelay-measurement two-way mep 101 maintenance-domainmd6
maintenance-associationma6 count 10
Two-way ETH-DM request to 00:90:69:0a:48:57, Interface ge-5/2/9.0
DMR received from 00:90:69:0a:48:57 Delay: 100 usec Delay variation: 0 usec
DMR received from 00:90:69:0a:48:57 Delay: 92 usec Delay variation: 8 usec
DMR received from 00:90:69:0a:48:57 Delay: 92 usec Delay variation: 0 usec
DMR received from 00:90:69:0a:48:57 Delay: 111 usec Delay variation: 19 usec
DMR received from 00:90:69:0a:48:57 Delay: 110 usec Delay variation: 1 usec
DMR received from 00:90:69:0a:48:57 Delay: 119 usec Delay variation: 9 usec
DMR received from 00:90:69:0a:48:57 Delay: 122 usec Delay variation: 3 usec
DMR received from 00:90:69:0a:48:57 Delay: 92 usec Delay variation: 30 usec
DMR received from 00:90:69:0a:48:57 Delay: 92 usec Delay variation: 0 usec
DMR received from 00:90:69:0a:48:57 Delay: 108 usec Delay variation: 16 usec
--- Delay measurement statistics ---
Packets transmitted: 10, Valid packets received: 10
Average delay: 103 usec, Average delay variation: 8 usec
Best case delay: 92 usec, Worst case delay: 122 usec
Thecounters are displayed aspart of the MEP database on Router MX-1 maintenancedomainMD6.user@MX-1> showoam ethernet connectivity-fault-managementmep-database
Maintenance domain name: md6, Format: string, Level: 6
Maintenance association name: ma6, Format: string
Continuity-check status: enabled, Interval: 100ms, Loss-threshold: 3 frames
MEP identifier: 201, Direction: down, MAC address: 00:90:69:0a:43:94
Auto-discovery: enabled, Priority: 0
Interface name: ge-5/2/9.0, Interface status: Active, Link status: Up
Remote MEP not receiving CCM : no
Erroneous CCM received : no
Cross-connect CCM received : no
RDI sent by some MEP : no
CCMs sent : 894
Copyright© 2010, Juniper Networks,Inc.132
Junos10.4 MX Series Ethernet ServicesRouters Solutions Guide