Bridgedomain c1–vlan-100 for customer-c1–virtual-switch has fivelogical interfaces:
Logicalinterface ge-1/0/0.1configured on physical port ge-1/0/0.
Logicalinterface ge-2/0/0.1configured on physical port ge-2/0/0.
Logicalinterface ge-3/0/0.1configured on physical port ge-3/0/0.
Logicalinterface ge-4/0/0.1 canexist on an extended port/subinterfacedefined by
thepair ge-4/0/0 and outer-vlan-tag 500.
Logicalinterface ge-5/0/0.1 canexist on an extended port/subinterfacedefined by
thepair ge-5/0/0 and outer-vlan-tag 500.
Theassociation of the received packetto a logical interface is done by matching the
VLANtags of the received packet with the VLAN tagsconfigured on one of the logical
interfaceson that physical port. The vlan-id100 configuration within the bridge domain
c1–vlan-100sets the normalized VLAN value to 100.
Thefollowing happens as a result of this configuration:
Packetsreceived on logicalinterfaces ge-1/0/0.1or ge-2/0/0.1 with a single VLAN tag
of100 in the frame are accepted.
Packetsreceived on logicalinterface ge-3/0/0.1 with a singleVLAN tag of 200 in the
frameare accepted and have their tagvalues translated to the normalized VLAN tag
valueof 100.
Packetsreceived on logicalinterfaces ge-4/0/0.1and ge-5/0/0.1 with outer tag values
of500 and inner tag values of 100 are accepted.
UnknownsourceMAC addresses and unknown destination MACaddresses are learned
basedon their normalized VLAN values of 100 or 300.
Allpackets sent on a logical interfacealways have their associated vlan-id value(s)in
theirVLAN tag fields.
Configurationand function of bridgedomain c2-vlan-300 for customer-c2-virtual-switch
issimilar to, but not identical to, that of bridge domainc1-vlan-100 for
MXSeries Ethernet Services Routers SolutionsPage
VLANsWithin a Bridge Domain or VPLS Instance on page 43
PacketFlow Through a BridgedNetwork with Normalized VLANs on page 44
Configuringa Normalized VLAN for Translationor Tagging on page45
Example:Configuring a Provider VPLS Network with Normalized VLAN Tags
Thistopic provides a configuration exampleto help you effectively configure a network
ofJuniper Networks MX Series Ethernet Services Routersfor a bridge domain or virtual
privateLANservice (VPLS) environment. The emphasis hereis on choosing the normalized
virtualLAN (VLAN) configuration. The VPLS configurationis not covered in this chapter.
51Copyright© 2010, Juniper Networks,Inc.
Chapter4: VLANs Within Bridge Domain and VPLS Environments