2 357
3 344
4 332
5 319
6 306
7 294
8 281
9 269
10 255
Average one-way delay : 312 usec
Average one-way delay variation: 11 usec
Best case one-way delay : 255 usec
NOTE: Whentwosystems areclose to each other, their one-waydelay values
arevery high compared to their two-way delayvalues. This is because
one-waydelay measurement requires the timing forthe two systems to be
synchronizedat a very granular leveland MX Series routers do not support
thisgranular synchronization. However,two-way delay measurement does
notrequire synchronizedtiming, making two-way delay measurementsmore
MXSeries Ethernet Services Routers SolutionsPage
EthernetFrame Delay Measurements on page119
ConfiguringMEP Interfaces to Support ETH-DM on page122
Triggeringan ETH-DM Session on page 123
ViewingETH-DM Statistics on page 124
ConfiguringTwo-WayETH-DM with Single-TaggedInterfaces on page 130
ConfiguringETH-DM with Untagged Interfaces on page134
Example:Configuring Two-WayEthernet Frame Delay Measurements withSingle-TaggedInterfaces
Thisexample uses two MX routers: MX-1 and MX-2. Theconfiguration creates a CFM
downMEP session on a VLAN-tagged logical interfaceconnecting the two (ge-5/2/9 on
RouterMX-1 and ge-0/2/5 on Router MX-2).
NOTE: Theseare not completerouter configurations.
Configurationon Router MX-1:
unit0 {
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Junos10.4 MX Series Ethernet ServicesRouters Solutions Guide