Router2 and Router3 have IRB configured so that they can passtraffic to other routers
inthe rest of the network.
Router1has an access interfacewhich provides bridging on VLAN 205 and is connected
toa customer device configured on ge-2/2/2. Router3 has an access interface which
providesbridging on VLAN 200 and is connected to a customer deviceconfigured on
Router1 and Router 3 are configuredwith a trunk interface to a switch for VLANs
200–205.On both routers, this interface is ge-2/2/4.

ExampleConfiguration Summary

Thisprocedure summarizes the minimum configurationsteps required for Layer 2
processingin a bridged environment, as described in “Layer2 Features for a Bridging
Environment”on page 21. The individual configuration stepsare described in greater
detailin separate topics.
Toconfigure Layer2 processing in a bridged domain network:
1. Configurethe Ethernet interfaces and VLAN tagson all three routers, as described in
“ExampleStep: Configuring Interfacesand VLAN Tags” on page 24
2. Configurethe bridge domains on all three routers, as describedin “Example Step:
ConfiguringBridge Domains” on page 30.
3. Configurethe Spanning TreeProtocol on all three routers, as described in “Example
Step:Configuring Spanning TreeProtocols” on page 32
4. ConfigureIRB, as described in “Example Step:Configuring Integrated Bridging and
Routing”on page 34
MXSeries Ethernet Services Routers SolutionsPage
Layer2 Features for a Bridging Environment on page21
ExampleStep: Configuring Interfacesand VLAN Tags on page 24
ExampleStep: Configuring Bridge Domains on page 30
ExampleStep: Configuring Spanning TreeProtocols on page 32
ExampleStep: Configuring IntegratedBridging and Routing on page 34
ExampleStep: Configuring Interfaces and VLAN Tags
Configurethe Ethernet interfaces and VLAN tagson all three routers.
NOTE: Theconfigurations in this chapter areonly partial examples of
completeand functional router configurations.Do not copy these
configurationsand use them directly on an actual system.
Copyright© 2010, Juniper Networks,Inc.24
Junos10.4 MX Series Ethernet ServicesRouters Solutions Guide