VLANs Within Bridge Domain and VPLSEnvironments
VLANsWithin a Bridge Domain or VPLS Instance on page 43
PacketFlow Through a BridgedNetwork with Normalized VLANs on page 44
Configuringa Normalized VLAN for Translationor Tagging on page45
ConfiguringLearning Domains for VLAN IDs Bound to Logical Interfaceson page 47
Example:Configuringa Provider Bridge Network with NormalizedVLAN Tags on page47
Example:Configuringa Provider VPLS Network with Normalized VLAN Tagson page 51
Example:Configuring One VPLS Instance for SeveralVLANs on page 55

VLANsWithin a Bridge Domain or VPLS Instance

Apacket received on a physical port is onlyaccepted for processing if the VLAN tags of
thereceived packet match the VLAN tagsassociated with one of the logical interfaces
configuredon the physical port. The VLAN tags of the receivedpacket are translated
onlyif they are different than the normalized VLAN tags. For the translationcase, the
VLANidentifier tags specify the normalized VLAN. For this case, the terms “learn VLAN”
and“normalized VLAN” can be used interchangeably.
Youcan specify the normalized VLAN using one of the followingconditions:
TheVLAN identifier is determined explicitly by configuration
TheVLAN identifier is specified as “none,” meaningthe VLAN tags are not translated
Theinnerand outer VLAN identifier tags are both determined explicitlyby configuration
MXSeries Ethernet Services Routers SolutionsPage
PacketFlow Through a BridgedNetwork with Normalized VLANs on page 44
Configuringa Normalized VLAN for Translationor Tagging on page45
ConfiguringLearning Domains for VLAN IDs Bound to Logical Interfaceson page 47
Example:Configuringa Provider Bridge Network with NormalizedVLAN Tags on page47
Example:Configuringa Provider VPLS Network with Normalized VLAN Tagson page 51
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