Image address level (Document level) the document level is assigned by the operator by using:
•the level key,
•a patch if the Patch Reader is enabled,
•the host application to set the next image address, or
•the Level to Follow Level rules.
The value returned in the image header reflects the level of the document. This value will be level 1, level 2, level 3 or level 0.
NOTE: Level 0 is assigned to documents containing patch types T, 1, 4 and 6.
Document levels may be used by the host application to sort or discard images. For example, if all level 0 documents are patch sheets, these images can be deleted.
Image address the scanner assigns an image address to the scanned document. The image address is based upon the index format defined through the host application. See Chapters 3 or 4 (depending on your driver) for more information about image addressing and formats.
Print string the actual character string printed on the document is returned in the image header. This string may be up to 40 characters in length. Print strings are defined in the host application. This information can be used to verify that the image address assigned to this document matches the text which appears printed on the page.
Sequential counter the scanner assigns a unique Sequential ID Number to each document which is returned in the image header. The host application controls the setting of the starting value for this counter.
Patch Type – the scanner indicates if a patch type was recognized on the document in the image header. If no patch type was recognized, or if patch reading is not enabled, this value will be zero. Transfer patch types return a value of 99. Values 1 through 6 are returned respectively for patch types 1 - 6.
NOTE: If the Toggle patch image is returned to the host, the image header will indicate a Type 4 patch.