Making an index scan
With a loaded film holder in the scanner, click the
To cancel the index scan, click the cancel button in the small dialog box that appears during the scan, or press the escape key (Windows), or press the command key and period (.) at the same time (Macintosh).
Index thumbnails remain in the display until another index scan is made or the film format and type are changed. To initialize the index display and remove the current thumbnails press the control key (Windows) or command key (Macintosh) together with the shift and R keys.
Selecting index thumbnails
The thumbnail display allows the selection of single or multiple images for prescanning or scanning. Selected images can also be affected by the scanner software functions such as the rotate buttons.
Simply click on a thumbnail to select it; the border will darken to indicate selection.
To select multiple images, press and hold the control key (Windows) or command key (Macintosh) and then click on each image to be scanned; the selected frames will have a dark border. To deselect an image, click on the thumbnail a second time while holding the control key (Windows) or command key (Macintosh). To select consecutive images, press and hold the shift key and then click on the first and last images of the series. Press the control key (Windows) or command key (Macintosh) and A key at the same time to select all frames.