Connecting the HomeTheater Standard to Your System, continued

TheHomeTheater Standardis also equippedwith four S-video inputs and four compositevideo inputs. S-video cables transmit the color andluminancecomponentsof the video signal separately. Thecombfilter within the sourceunit performsthis separation.If the source'scombfilter is superior to the onewithin the video monitor, use the S-video connections, Otherwise, use compositevideoinput.

The HomeTheater Standardis equippedwith two S-video outputs, two compositevideo outputs, and oneset of componentvideo outputs. One.S-video output, onecomposite, video output, andthe componentvideo output include on-screendisplay. For dubbing purposes, only the output labeled OSDdisplays on-screeninformation.


TheHomeTheater Standarddoesnot. convert video signal formats, Le., an S-video input signal is output as an S-video signal Thesameis true for compositeand componentvideo signals.


Connectthe outputs of the HomeTheater Standardto the input(s) of your power amplifier(s).

The HomeTheater Standard has balanced outputs with XLRconnectors and single- endedoutputs with RCAconnectors.Both outputs are active at all times, allowing simultaneousconnectionto separate amplifiers. Only oneof these output formats should be connectedto a single amplifier. Usethe DB-25connector to connectto a DB-25-equippedamplifier.


Krell HomeTheaterStandard

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Krell Industries None manual Connect Amplifiers