ReturnAuthorization Procedure
If youbelievethere is a problemwith your component,pleasecontactyourdealer,dis- tributor, or theKrell factoryto discussthe problembeforeyoureturn the componentfor repair. Toexpediteservice,youmaywishto
9:00 AMto 5:00 PMEsT
WEBSITE www.kreilonline.com
HomeTheater Standard
To return this product to Krell, please follow this procedureso that we may serveyoubetter:
1.Obtain a ReturnAuthorization Number (R/A number)and shipping address
2.Insureandacceptall liability for lossof or damageto this productduringship- mentto the Krell factoryandprepayall shipping charges. Please see the Warrantypagein this manual,concern- ing liability for shippingdamageand shippingcharges.
This productmayalso be handdeliveredif arrangementswith the ServiceDepartment havebeenmadein advanceProof. of pur- chasewill berequiredfor warrantyvalida- tion at thetimeof handdelivery.
Usethe original packagingto ensuresafe transit of this productto thedealer,distribu- tor, or factory.Kre/I may,at its discretion, returnthis productin newpackagingandbill the ownerfor suchpackagingif the product receivedby Kre// wasboxedin
Topurchaseadditional packaging,please contactyourauthorizedKrell dealer,distrib- utor, or the Krell ServiceDepartment.
Krel] HomeTheater Standard | 55 |