22 FrontPanelDisplay
Thefront paneldisplay providesstatus messagesfor HomeTheaterStandard operations,including volumeandbalancelevel, decodingmode,andzoneinformation. In addition, whena newdeviceis selected,the physica~inputs are displayed.
23 UserButton
Usethis button to select oneof three available dynamicrangecompressionmodes:
max(imum),normal, or~night. SeeUser Button Setup,_.onpage47. | , |
24 BalanceButton
Pressthis buttonto adjust the mainleft/right speakerbalance.Thisbuttonconvertsthe volumelevel controlsto balancecontrols. BAL0 in the front paneldisplaywindow indicatesthe centerposition. Balancemaybe adjustedin .5 dBincrements,upto 6 dB. Balancelevels are shownnumericallyon the front paneldisplay. Thebalancelevel buttonsrevert to their original functionsas mainvolumelevel controlsafter three secondsof inactivity.
Individual ChannelButtons
Usethe Center, Rear,andSubbuttons to changetaste trims (maketemporaryspeaker output adjustmentsof +/- 10 dB). Thesetemporarychangesrevert to
0 dBwhena newdeviceis selected or the systemis powereddown.For more informationon taste trims andmaster(programmable)trims, seeConfigureLevel Adjustment,on page36.
25 CenterButton
Pressthe centerbutton,thenusethe level up anddownbuttons(29) to adjust the center speakervolume.
26 RearButton
Pressthe rear button, thenusethe level upanddownbuttons(29) to adjust the rear speakervolume.
27 SubButton
Pressthe sub(subwoofer)button, thenusethe level up anddownbuttons(29) to adjust the subwooferspeakervolume.
28 SaveButton
Usethis buttonto savesystemconfigurationsettings andlearningremoteprogramming,.
SeeSavingSetup, Recalling Setup, andRestoringFactoryDefault System ConfigurationSettings,on page49.
10 | Krell HomeTheaterStandard |