6.Troubleshooting, applications tips
Problem | Causes | Remedies |
Sections curl on
- | - Readjust correctly. |
trude far enough beyond the |
knife edge. |
Scraping noise during section- ing stroke and specimen return stroke.
- | - Readjust correctly. |
beyond the knife edge and is |
scraping against the specimen. |
Ondulated sections. | - | Knife damaged. | - | Use different part of the knife |
| or replace knife. |
| - | Edge of | - | Replace |
Chatter marks form during sectioning.
-Specimen insufficiently frozen onto specimen disc.
-Specimen disc not clamped tightly enough.
-Specimen holder ball joint not clamped.
-Knife not clamped tightly enough.
-Selected section thickness too thick - specimen has come off the specimen disc.
-Specimen very hard and inho- mogeneous.
-Blunt knife.
-Knife profile inappropriate for the type of specimen to be sectioned.
-Wrong clearance angle.
-Refreeze specimen onto disc.
-Check disc clamping.
-Check ball joint clamping.
-Check knife clamping.
-Refreeze specimen onto disc.
-Increase section thickness; if possible, reduce specimen surface.
-Use different part of knife or replace knife.
-Use knife with a different pro- file.
-Readjust clearance angle set- ting.
Condensation forms on | - Brush, forceps, cloth or other | - Accessories and cleaning |
plate and knife during cleaning. | cleaning item too warm. | material to be used |
| only. - Store on storage shelves |
| inside the cryochamber. |
Leica CM3050 S – Cryostat | 49 |