Creating Enhanced Lists
■Delete a member from the list (Step 6)
■Print the list to your system printer (Step 7)
Adding a Member
4.Press (F4) ADD MEMBER .
The system displays the Add Member data entry window (Figure
a. Enter one of the following:
■The user’s name as it appears in the AUDIX system
■The user’s extension
■The user’s network
b. Press (F3) SAVE to save this information in the system database.
c.Continue entering
d.Press (F6) CANCEL to return to the Administer Enhanced List window or proceed to Step 7 to print a copy of the list.
Finding a Member
5.To find a member name in a list:
a.Press (F8) ACTIONS .
An Actions menu displays.
b.Select Find Member and press ENTER .
c.Enter the name or extension of the person or list you would like to
find and press (F3) FIND .
Issue 1 July 1997 45