Working with captured packets | |
Expand Subtrees | This menu item expands the currently selected subtree. |
Expand All | This menu item expands all subtrees in all packets in the cap- |
| ture. |
Collapse All | Ethereal keeps a list of all the protocol subtrees that are ex- |
| panded, and uses it to ensure that the correct subtrees are ex- |
| panded when you display a packet. This menu item collapses |
| the tree view of all packets in the capture list. |
Apply as Filter | This menu item is the same as the Analyze menu items of the |
| same name. |
Prepare a Filter | This menu item is the same as the Analyze menu items of the |
| same name. |
Follow TCP Stream | This menu item is the same as the Analyze menu item of the |
| same name. It allows you to view all the data on a TCP |
| stream between a pair of nodes. |
Wiki Protocol Page | Show the wiki page corresponding to the currently selected |
| protocol in your web browser. |
Filter Field Reference | Show the filter field reference web page corresponding to the |
| currently selected protocol in your web browser. |
Protocol Properties... | The menu item takes you to the properties dialog and selects |
| the page corresponding to the protocol if there are properties |
| associated with the highlighted field. More information on |
| preferences can be found in Figure 9.8, “The preferences dia- |
| log box”. |
Decode As... | This menu item is the same as the Analyze menu item of the |
| same name. |
Resolve Name | This menu item causes name resolution to be performed for |
| the selected packet, but NOT every packet in the capture. |
Go to Corresponding Packet | If the selected field has a corresponding packet, go to it. Cor- |
| responding packets will usually be a request/response packet |
| pair or such. |
Figure 6.5. Pop-up menu of "Packet Bytes" pane