Related command line tools
Procedure for converting a Corba idl file into an ethereal dissector
1.To write the C code to stdout. idl2eth <your file.idl> eg:
idl2eth echo.idl
2.To write to a file, just redirect the output.
idl2eth echo.idl >
You may wish to comment out the register_giop_user_module() code and that will leave you with heuristic dissection.
If you don't want to use the shell script wrapper, then try steps 3 or 4 instead.
3.To write the C code to stdout.
Usage: omniidl
4.To write to a file, just redirect the output.
You may wish to comment out the register_giop_user_module() code and that will leave you with heuristic dissection.
5.Copy the resulting C code to your ethereal src directory, edit the 2 make files to include the
edit Makefile.nmake
6.Run configure
./configure (or ./autogen.sh)
7.Compile the code make
8.Good Luck !!
C.8.4. TODO