Working with captured packets
6.5. Defining and saving filters
You can define filters with Ethereal and give them labels for later use. This can save time in remem- bering and retyping some of the more complex filters you use.
To define a new filter or edit an existing one, select the Capture Filters... menu item from the Cap- ture menu or the Display Filters... menu item from the Analyze menu. Ethereal will then pop up the Filters dialog as shown in Figure 6.8, “The "Capture Filters" and "Display Filters" dialog boxes”.
The mechanisms for defining and saving capture filters and display filters are almost identical. So both will be described here, differences between these two will be marked as such.
You must use Save to save your filters permanently. Ok or Apply will not save the fil- ters, so they will be lost when you close Ethereal.
Figure 6.8. The "Capture Filters" and "Display Filters" dialog boxes