Building and Installing Ethereal
2.3. Before you build Ethereal under UNIX
Before you build Ethereal from sources, or install a binary package, you must ensure that you have the following other packages installed:
•GTK+, The GIMP Tool Kit.
You will also need Glib. Both can be obtained from www.gtk.org
•libpcap, the packet capture software that Ethereal uses. You can obtain libpcap from www.tcpdump.org
Depending on your system, you may be able to install these from binaries, e.g. RPMs, or you may need to obtain them in source code form and build them.
If you have downloaded the source for GTK+, the instructions shown in Example 2.1, “Building GTK+ from source” may provide some help in building it:
Example 2.1. Building GTK+ from source
<much output removed> make
<much output removed> make install
<much output removed>
You may need to change the version number of gtk+ in Example 2.1, “Building GTK+ from source” to match the version of GTK+ you have downloaded. The directory you change to will change if the version of GTK+ changes, and in all cases, tar xvf - will show you the name of the directory you should change to.
If you use Linux, or have GNU tar installed, you can use tar zxvf
If you downloaded gtk+ or any other tar file using Windows, you may find your file called
You should consult the GTK+ web site if any errors occur in carrying out the instructions in Ex- ample 2.1, “Building GTK+ from source”.
If you have downloaded the source to libpcap, the general instructions shown in Example 2.2,