Working with captured packets
6.7. Go to a specific packet
You can easily jump to specific packets with one of the menu items in the Go menu.
6.7.1. The "Go Back" command
Go back in the packet history, works much like the page history in current web browsers.
6.7.2. The "Go Forward" command
Go forward in the packet history, works much like the page history in current web browsers.
6.7.3. The "Go to Packet" dialog box
Figure 6.10. The "Go To Packet" dialog box
This dialog box will let you enter a packet number. When you press OK, Ethereal will jump to that packet.
6.7.4. The "Go to Corresponding Packet" command
If a protocol field is selected which points to another packet in the capture file, this command will jump to that packet.
As these protocol fields now work like links (just as in your Web browser), it's easier to simply
6.7.5. The "Go to First Packet" command
This command will simply jump to the first packet displayed.
6.7.6. The "Go to Last Packet" command
This command will simply jump to the last packet displayed.