Windows CE | Programs |
P Access Permissions
The registry entry P describes the type of access permission granted for every virtual directory. If the registry entry is missing, the default access permissions are Read, Execute and Script (hex value 0205).
P (values in hex)
Read access permitted (Read – Access) Write access permitted (Write – Access)
Execution of a function permitted (Execute – Access) Scripts are permitted (Script – Access)
The above values for P are bit values. For example, for read and script access, P must be set to the value dword:0201. Other settings of the virtual directories are described in the chapter Virtual Directory Settings. See also the following chapter Sample Settings.
The settings for the web server can be set as follows in a REG file (see also chapter Autoexec.reg):
"Port"=dword:50 ; 80 decimal "Basic"=dword:0 "NTLM"=dword:1 "DirBrowse"=dword:1 "DefaultPage"="default.htm;default.asp" "AdminUsers"="AnnD;GladysL" "LogFileDirectory"="\\windows\\www" "MaxLogSize"=dword:1000
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMM\HTTPD\VROOTS\/] "Default"="\\storagecard\\www"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMM\HTTPD\VROOTS\/Dir1] "Default"="\\storagecard\\www\\dir1"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\COMM\HTTPD\VROOTS\/Dir2] "Default"="\\storagecard\\www\\dir2"
Notes on the above example:
•The directory «Dir1» is password protected.
•Only script and read accesses to directory «Dir2» are permitted.
•The entries with «dword» are in hexadecimal format.
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