2 - 5
(4) Bundle fixing
Fix the cable at the closest part to the connector with bundle material in order to prevent SSCN ET cable
from putting its own weight on CN1A CN1B connector of servo ampl ifier. Optical cord should be given
loose slack to avoid from becoming smaller t han the minimum bend radius, and it should n ot be twisted.
When bundling the cable, fix and hold it in position by using cushioning such as sponge or r ubber which
does not contain migratable plasticizers.
If using adhesive tape for bundling the cable, f ire resistant acetate cloth adhesive tape 570F (Teraoka
Seisakusho Co., Ltd) is recommended.
Optical cord
Loose slack
Recommended product:
NK clamp SP type
( NIX, INC.)
Bundle material
(5) Tension
If tension is added on optical cable, the increase of tr ansmission loss occurs because of external force
which concentrates on the fixing part of optical fiber or the connecting part of optical connector. At worst,
the breakage of optical fiber or damage of optic al connector may occur. For cable laying, handle without
putting forced tension. For the tension strength, r efer to section 11.1.5.
(6) Lateral pressure
If lateral pressure is added on optical cable, t he optical cable itself distorts, internal optical fiber gets
stressed, and then transmission loss will inc rease. At worst, the breakage of optical cable may occur. As
the same condition also occurs at cable la ying, do not tighten up optical cable with a thing such as nylo n
band (TY-RAP).
Do not trample it down or tuck it down with the do or of control box or others.
(7) Twisting
If optical fiber is twisted, it will bec ome the same stress added condition as when loc al lateral pressure or
bend is added. Consequently, transmiss ion loss increases, and the breakage of optical fi ber may occur at
(8) Disposal
When incinerating optical cable (cord) used for SSCNET , hydrogen fluoride gas or hydrogen chloride gas
which is corrosive and harmful may be gener ated. For disposal of optical fiber, request for specialized
industrial waste disposal services who h as incineration facility for disposing h ydrogen fluoride gas or
hydrogen chloride gas.