3 - 17
2) CNP2
CNP2 is the same as MR-J3-100B or smaller capac ities. Refer to (1) (b) of this section.
(4) Insertion of cable into Molex and WAG O connectors
Insertion of cable into 54928-0610, 54928-0520, 5 4928 (Molex) connectors and 721-207/026-000, 721-205/
026-000 and 721-203/026-000 (WAGO) connectors are as follows.
The following explains for Molex, however use the same procedures for inserting WAGO connectors as
It may be difficult for a cable to be inserted to the connector depending on
wire size or bar terminal configuration. In this case, change the wire type or
correct it in order to prevent the end of bar terminal from widening, and th en
insert it.
How to connect a cable to the servo amplifier p ower supply connector is shown below.