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About processing of waste
When you discard converter unit and servo amplifier (drive unit), a battery (primary battery), a nd other option
articles, please follow the law of each country (area).
These products have been manufactured as a ge neral-purpose part for general industries, and ha ve not
been designed or manufactured to be incorporated in a device or s ystem used in purposes related to
human life.
Before using the products for special purposes such as nuclear power, electric power, aeros pace,
medicine, passenger movement vehicles or under water relays, contact Mitsubishi.
These products have been manufactured under str ict quality control. However, when installin g the product
where major accidents or losses could occur if the product fails, install appropriate back up or failsafe
functions in the system.
EEP-ROM life
The number of write times to the EEP-ROM, which s tores parameter settings, etc., is limited to 100, 000. If
the total number of the following operations ex ceeds 100,000, the converter unit, servo ampl ifier (drive unit)
and/or converter unit may fail when the EEP-RO M reaches the end of its useful life.
Write to the EEP-ROM due to parameter setting c hanges
Write to the EEP-ROM due to device changes

Precautions for Choosing the Products

Mitsubishi will not be held liable for damage ca used by factors found not to be the cause of M itsubishi;
machine damage or lost profits caused by faults in the Mitsubishi products; damage, secondar y damage,
accident compensation caused by special factors unpredict able by Mitsubishi; damages to products other
than Mitsubishi products; and to other duties.