This chapter provides the necessary information to use the MVME197LE VMEmodule in a system configuration. This includes controls and indicators, memory maps, and software initialization of the module.
Controls and Indicators
The MVME197LE Single Board Computer has two
ABORT Switch S2
When enabled by software, the front panel ABORT switch (S2) generates an NMI
RESET Switch S3
The RESET switch (S3) will reset all the onboard devices and drive the SYSRESET* signal if the MVME197LE module is the system controller. The RESET switch (S3) will reset all the onboard devices, with the exception of the DCAM and ECDM, if the MVME197LE module is not the system controller. The VMEchip2 generates the SYSREST* signal. The BusSwitch combines the local reset and the reset switch to generate a local board reset. Refer to the Reset Driver section in the VMEchip2 chapter of the MVME197LE, MVME197DP, and MVME197SP Single Board Computers Programmer’s Reference Guide for more information.
The BusSwitch receives the reset switch signal, debounces it and combines with the reset signal from the VMEchip2 to generate a board reset signal.
The VMEchip2 includes both a global and a local reset driver. When the chip operates as the VMEbus system controller, the reset driver provides a global system reset by asserting the VMEbus signal SYSRESET*. A SYSRESET* may be generated by the RESET switch, a power up reset, a watchdog timeout, or