2 - Installation
Novell Client Installation
1.Run the NetWare Client Install V1.21 software. Either:
a.get the four Client disks from the network administrator,
b.run the \NWCLIENT\INSTALL.EXE used in a previous Installation.
A message appears on the screen asking if you want the program to perform modifications on your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files.
2.Answer Yes.
The program then modifies your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files accordingly and creates backup copies. The following message appears: “Install support for MS Windows? (Y/N): ”.
3.Answer accordingly and provide a path if necessary. The program displays the following:
Configure your workstation for backup by a NetWare server running software such as BACKUP? (Y/N): No
4.Answer accordingly and provide a path if necessary.
5.Select a driver for your MT3410ZLX.
6.From the driver list, select Other Drivers.
7.Go to the Insert the Driver Disk dialog box and specify the path where the ODI driver and INS files reside. For example: C:\ODI.DOS.
8.Press Enter and select the target ODI driver.
9.Specify the driver’s optional settings.