4 - Troubleshooting
Example: Device=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM X=D000-D3FF
Reserve D000 - D3FF for attribute memory.
C: No free I/O space or interrupt request can be assigned to the MT3410ZLX.
S: The MT3410ZLX needs 32 contiguous I/O ports and one interrupt request for its LAN connection. It also need 8 contiguous I/O ports and another interrupt request for Fax/Modem. The LAN ports must be located at one of the following I/O addresses: 0x300, 0x320, 0x340, 0x360. The Fax/Modem ports must be located at one of these addresses: 0x2F8, 0x3E8, 0x3E8. (There are also compatibility issues with certain Fax/Modem software applications.) We recommend assigning the Modem Interrupt (MIR) a value less than 7 (IRQ3 to 6). Make sure that these resources are available for the MT3410ZLX.
Enabling The MT3410ZLX
S: If the Card Service is installed, you can check by hearing the beep when card insertion.
S: Run CARDEN /CHK to check if the MT3410ZLX has been enabled. The resources allocated for the card are shown as below at the last line of the display message.
IOP=0Xnnn IRQ=nn COM=nn MIR=nn